Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Just a quick update

H, well, I guess she's revealed herself now, Nessa and I are still breathin', and we're heading out in a few minutes to catch a train.  Nothing really of note happened- we're still thinking of meeting up with a Sage if they'll see us, but that can wait for now.

Can't believe it's only been a couple of weeks...I still see the fire whenever I close my eyes.  But I can't let that stop me.  I can grieve when this is over, one way or another.

See you all.


  1. You two be careful, Konaa. And I'm sorry.

  2. The loss will never go away. Not ever.

    Hope it doesn't swallow you whole. My thoughts go out to you.


  3. Let her know I'm willing to see her whenever she's got a chance. The Gods only know she could use whatever healing mojo I've got laying around.

    Stay intact, kiddo.
