Monday, June 6, 2011

How things went down

This happened Saturday night, for the record.  I was still awake, at about 1:30 AM (so I guess it was sunday, blah blah), when I happened to hear some noises downstairs.  I think it could have been the heat, but I was hardly about to leave it to chance.  Couldn't have been my parents, since they weren't home (and thank god, no way they wouldn't have heard what came next).  I grabbed a police baton (don't ask) and crept downstairs.  Sure enough, I turn the corner just in time to see my personal Masky descending into the basement.

I hesitated to follow him, I'm not gonna lie.  But goddamn it, I wasn't going to let him just come into my house with no consequences.  I stood at the top of the stairs, and flicked the lights on.  He was still halfway down and did a double take.  That was when I ran down and rammed into him with my shoulder.  He hit the bottom hard, let me tell you.

I chased, of course.  But he sprung back to his feet way sooner than I thought and knocked the baton out of my hands.  For a few seconds we just hit each other a bunch, but that wasn't going so well for me, he's way stronger.  So I took an...underhanded approach.  With an attack directed at...a biological weakness.

Okay fine I kicked him in the nuts.

Then I grabbed his head and rammed it against the wall, which, in retrospect, sort of scares me.  I have never done anything that violent to anyone before.  I must've been angry as shit.  Anyways, he hit the ground, bleeding, and I picked up his knife (which had dropped), and...didn't stab him.  Call me naive, call me an idiot, but I couldn't just kill him.  It wasn't that I wanted to be the better man or anything, I think I just don't have the stomach to kill someone.

He was groaning on the floor for a minute or so, but then he suddenly froze up.  The hairs on the back of my neck stood up, and I looked at the screen door leading to the outside.

Guess who was standing there.

Yet again, he didn't even seem to notice me.  He looked right at the guy on the ground, and started towards him.  I bolted- even if he couldn't see me, the dude is scary as holy fucking shit.  Especially up close.  That's actually the closest I've been to him, and I felt nothing but cold fear from top to bottom.  I felt really sluggish too, like I was getting more and more tired looking at him.  I didn't stick around.

They were gone in the morning.  No clue when they'll try this shit again.

Might've just lost my chance to get rid of a serious problem.


  1. So, the Master cannot see you....

    But we can. If you will not repent, you will learn soon enough to do what needs to be done.


  2. I don't give a shit about your tough threats, bible boy.

    Bring it on. All of you. I am going to survive this, no matter what you or your twisted monster of a boss throw at me.

  3. Aww, we love you too. We'll have to do this sometime, won't we bitch!

    Stay frosty, we're always watching.


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Good on you, Konaa. Is it weird that every time I read that, I end up thinking "Mah name is Jahn Konaa." Yea, I dunno, too much Terminator on my mind lately.

    I'm not exactly anywhere near ya to offer aid, but hey, I'm offering someone to talk to if you ever need it.

    Good luck.

  6. I appreciate the sentiment, at any rate.

  7. The Mad Ventriloquist doesn't see a problem with not being able to kill someone. There are other solutions to problems. Like talking or chess or kicking them in the nuts.

    He also has to ask. Where did Konaa get the police baton?

  8. I actually bought it off a friend, partially as a joke. Sadly it's the best nonlethal weapon I've got.
