Thursday, May 26, 2011

Where the hell is he?

I don't like this. Whenever he's not around I get the feeling it's just cause he wants it to be a bigger surprise when he comes back.

But it's been over a week since I've seen him...Again, no fucking complaints. But it's weird is all. I'm starting to feel like I'm the only one putting any effort into this relationship. /obvious joke

Maybe it's something to do with what rise is talking about? About how he can't "see" me or whatever? Dude, have you seen the guy, he doesn't have eyes, I don't think he can see anything.

Oh yeah, I notice I have a slowly growing entourage of followers, and probably a few more that aren't following the blog directly. Feel free to comment, you guys.

This'll sounds kind of pathetic, but I could use the company.

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