And we've got photos! By the standards of the internet, this means that the event in question did in fact happen.
My bike. Ain't she a beauty?
The house in question was about 20 minutes ride away from mine. I finally remembered why I saw it all the time when I was little, once I'd gotten there. More on that later. I parked my bike across the street from the house.
It's inside a private neighborhood. It took some looking, about an hour or so, but I found it at last. See, I used to come here all the time when I was little. My parents would take me here, and I'd see this house on the way in. It was abandoned back then, but as you can see, somebody fixed it up and started living in it.
Anyways, something told me it wasn't the house I was there for. So I poked around on my side of the street.
Oh yeah, THAT looks promising. I must've been crazy, but yes, with the full knowledge that I was on the Slenderman's hit list, I went alone into a secluded forest path. What is it about the threat of death that makes you even more suicidal?
Bam. Here's what we came to use: A tennis court! Yeah, I used to play tennis a lot when I was a kid, and my parents would bring me here all the time with a friend or my brother. I hadn't been here in years. It certainly doesn't look like that many people are using it these days, though.
Wider shot, for reference. I looked around, and I didn't see anything. I even went through a trashcan. One that hadn't been touched in years. Ew. There are fates worse than getting Slendered, as I learned today.
I thought I was wasting my time, but then I looked over to the left.
More woods. More goddamn woods. Before you ask, I didn't see Tall, Dark, and Jackass the entire trip. If he's in any of these photos, I can't see him. But then, isn't looking into the woods and mistaking a million things for him the point of the myth?
Prepare to yell at me for being the ditzy blonde in the horror movie. I went in there. I was scared shitless at this point- I don't like to linger near the forest anymore, take a wild guess why. But I felt as though if I had come this far, I might as well make a thorough search of things. So I got to the edge of the woods and looked in. And guess what I found?
Like it was waiting for me. Let me tell you, I got shivers when I saw that thing. I guess dreams can be a good guide some time, eh? Here's a closer shot.
Didn't have that much shit on it. I'm guessing it was only there for a few days.
I didn't open it there. I was still really freaked out. I just scooped it up (it was pretty light) and stuffed in my backpack. I half expected to see him, right freakin' there, the moment I turned, but he was still nowhere in sight. I headed right home after that.
Fast forward to my house. I put the box on the table.
And opened 'er up.
What was the mysterious prize I had hunted for!? Was it the drawings? The random objects? The 15 billion dollars!? Sadly not that last one.
It was...a piece of paper with some writing on it, a bracelet, and a toy knight.
Fuck. What the hell am I suppose to do with this shit!? Alright, alright, it's better than nothing, but I seriously have no idea what any of this means. See if you guys can make any sense of it, here are the closeups.
Alright, blogger's being an asshole and won't post this anyway that isn't sideways. It says "Arrise, and dream, and dream, and dream." Wow. Real helpful. If you were going to go through the trouble of giving me a hint, could you at least have it make the slightest bit of sense? As for the drawing, no clue. It could be a bird, it could be a plane, it could be Africa for all I fucking know. (I'm not the only one who thinks it kinda looks like Africa, right?)
Next. The soldier.
Not much to say. Feels like its made of plastic. Is this suppose to be me or something? Cause I have never worn a multicolor skirt before, and I'm not about to start for anything less than $50 American.
And with that, we come to our last item.
The friendship bracelet. Gotta say, I like this thing. It fits onto my wrist just fine (I'm wearing it now) and it's made of tape, believe it or not. Neat piece of work. No clue what it's suppose to mean, whatsoever.
Well. There was my only lead. Now what.
Oh, before I go be miserable some more, I take it you guys are aware there are a couple posts on this blog I didn't make. I haven't deleted them, cause there's no real point, but yeah, it's not me making them, it's someone using the account. I changed my password, but it doesn't seem to do any good. Given that they were both written with an active fear of punctuation and capitalization, I'd say it's the same dude. Now, once I could call coincidence, but twice...Twice, I'm starting to say this fellow's got something to do with all of this.
So, "Rise," what do you want? You the guy that left the box? Friend or foe? And of who? Most importantly, how do I kill the beanstalk guy? Feel free to use the blog to answer, not like my permission has mattered to you before.
I hate that you had no comments on this post. I loved the pictures, for the record. Hopefully you posted more in the future. If not, well, at least you gave a fuck.
ReplyDeleteThat toy knight looks more like a pirate.
ReplyDeleteAll in all, that looks like a Time Capsule. Maybe you and a friend buried it...