Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Managed to save someone.  Damn, it feels good.

I was scouting around when I ran smack into Rise.  Girl looks as unhealthy as ever.  She held up a finger, and led me three blocks downtown, before pointing at a guy in a hood.  A proxy.  I gave her a nod and we followed him for the next day or so,  out of the city, past a few towns, until we finally caught up last night. He had cornered three runners- they were all older than me and yet they looked like a bunch of frightened rabbits!  I judged from their lack of wounds that they were kind of new to this.

One proxy isn't really in the realm of difficulty for me after what I've been through.  He went to the hospital with a nasty sword cut to his side, nothing fatal.  Had to stop Rise from killing him, though- she's quite the trigger happy girl.  Knife happy.  Whatever.

Getting thanked was the weirdest feeling ever.  It hasn't stopped being weird, it felt all wrong when Fiona did it too.  They didn't really want to stick around, and I couldn't blame em- think Rise was scaring them.  But at least they're alive and still rollin'.

Maybe I can do this after all.

Oh, and I met up with Nessa only a few days after I got out of the labyrinth, she's in a safe place right now.  A base of sorts.  I really need to keep checking up on her, though, she cannot take care of herself.  yeah, you heard me. :p


  1. Oh, Konaa, you only get more and more dashing~

  2. I- wha- You can't just SAY something like that!

    Adjgh- Lia. -_-

  3. :D

    Trolololol its only because I care about you. :3

  4. Glad you're doing good somewhere.

  5. Konaa

    I don't know if you know me but

    we need people like you

  6. I...don't think I can really agree with that, Rach. But thanks. I'm trying my best, too.
