Monday, September 12, 2011

He's leading me to him.

He'll regret it.

I think you'll know the result, one way or another, in a day or so.

Just a little longer now.


  1. Curtain rises. Curtain falls.

    Letting that light envelop us all.

    I want to see. Show me. Show me if you're stronger than fate.

    Show me that this wasn't a waste of my time, and you are a man that can act outside His influence. Let's go, June Reynolds!

    Feed that rage. Cry at the heavens!


  2. This is a bad idea...

    You know that right? >.<

  3. Yeah.

    If he has Nessa, though, I have to risk it.

    It's stupid and it's hero complex-y, I know. But I can't leave my friend to die.

  4. Yeah, I know it's for Nessa.

    Just don't die for this fight ok? You have plenty more in you. I can tell that much.

  5. You're playing into his hands and giving him exactly what he wants, but we'd all do the same thing.

    if you die, kid, I...
    I'll never forgive you.
