Saturday, April 20, 2013

i KNOW those masks.  like leon said, they look just like mine.

i modeled mine after a certain man's.

a man who has been missing for over ten years.

june, please be safe.  only two years ago i would've written you off as dead, but you've taught me something in between then.

the strength of belief.

and i believe there is nothing He can do that can kill or bend june to his will.

he will return.  for now, though, i must get leon somewhere safe.  the poor man's life is ruined now.  but i will protect him.

and ill make good use of zero's weapon until his heir reclaims it.

but as to the masks.

i want to believe that this is Him simply attempting mindgames.  i thought that man was long dead.  i still hope so.

if he's returned, things are dire.  and i don't know if i really can carry on.


  1. Wait, what? Am I missing something?

  2. I hope you're right. Be careful, you two.

  3. Rae, I fucking hope you're right. Is the mask guy your dad, theoretically?


  4. Good lord, I leave for a few days and this is what I come back to? Jeez... Stay safe you two, or three I guess. The kid'll be fine, he always is. He's made us wonder at times, but he's strong. He'll pull through whatever it can throw at him. And, new guy, Leon? Good luck, mate. You'll need plenty to survive in this crazy ass mixed up world. Definitely keep your wits about you, and stay aware of your surroundings. If you've got time, look to some of the other blogs for advice and/or tips. Above all though, stay alive.


    1. I know how you feel on that first sentence. Also, anyone know what other blogs are still active? Is M back or is he still MIA? Oh and good luck Leon. You are definitely gonna need it.

  5. He still had that cursed fucking sword on him? That's... amazing.


    So it's Leon huh? Is that your real name I wonder.

    Good luck Leon. You're gonna need it. You're filling big shoes and you are less than half the stuff that kid was. I honestly can't think of a more dangerous way to get yourself wrapped into all this. You are seriously fucked.

    If you survive the next week, I'll be impressed.

    1. it is NOT cursed. its a legacy, and you WON'T besmirch it.

      watch your mouth, puppet, or maybe YOU wont survive the next week.

    2. That sword's legacy is the river of blood it brought forth from the poor souls it was originally raised to save.

    3. youre wrong. its a lesson and a reminder. june used it to protect those who couldnt protect themselves, and he will again.

      someone who kills in His name cannot speak to this. youve never held this blade and felt just how heavy it is. so shut up.

    4. Zero used it to slaughter those who desperately tried to support and believe in him.

      Guess I'll just have to see what it does now.

      And yes, I certainly wouldn't know the weight of that blade. Or any blade really, if you catch my drift.

    5. Men, when given power, will do one of three things.

      1) They will gladly take their responsibility and prove to themselves and the world that they are a true hero.

      2) They will go mad with power, turning on anyone and anything that tries to stop them.

      3) They will shut their power away.

      Zero took the 2nd option. But that doesn't mean that the others will do the same.

    6. Hahahahahaha...

      That's... not what what happened to Zero. If you had asked Zero which of those he was he'd tell you he was One.

      Anyone have a link for Steve? I don't.

  6. Dammit, I need a lesson on who's on who's side again. Is Fracture pro-Slendy or anti-Slendy? My memory is kinda bad at the moment. ...what are the symptoms of being stalked by Slendy again? You know, besides seeing him everywhere?
