Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Just goes to show how little other stuff matters now.

It only just occurred to me that I turned 19 four days ago.

The one year anniversary of being stalked.  I remember pretty clearly, I saw him for the first time ever February 10th, 2011.  At the time, he just appeared and was gone when I blinked.  I didn't think much of it, just thought I was being paranoid as usual.  He'd prove me wrong over the course of the next couple of months, which would ultimately lead into this blog, and...well, no shortage of trouble.

I made it a year.  Hell, I'll take whatever victory I can get.  I can confidently say that if he'd had his way I wouldn't be here right now.  So...drink that down with a tall glass of SUCK IT, you faceless fuck.

Taking a step back, looking at where I've gone, who I've become...This is who I am now.  This is my life.  I have no doubts about that anymore, believe me.

I won't stop until I've removed him from this world, until he's left every last human he's connected to alone.

So, here's my ultimatum to you, "Slenderman", if that IS your real name, which it isn't, but...shut up.  Leave.  Go back home to your cave or your forest or your weird psycho dimension or your home planet or whatever the fuck you came from.  I'll forgive all you've done if you just pack up and never bother humankind again.

You probably don't give a shit about that, even if you can understand me.  But just remember that I gave you a way out.  And if you don't take it, I won't stop until one of us is dead.

Count on it.


  1. Happy belated birthday. I hope you live to see another one.

    Your crusade, though commendable... well. I- I hope it happens. Somewhat. A little. It would be nice.

  2. ...You're kind of a moron, aren't you?

    But it's the good kind of moron, I guess. The kind there needs to be more of in the world. So I'll not fault you for it.

    Hey, if you think it'll work, then keep at it, ya stupid crazy fuck.

  3. Oh really, you're exactly the same age as me, what fun. Then again I first saw him on the 3rd, so I have a whole week's worth of experince more than you, heh. Seriously though, happy birthday, good luck making it to the next one.

    See you around

  4. Happy (Late) BIRTHDAY Kiddo. Say. What's your mailing address so I can send you a nice present. I promise it will keep you VERY warm on these cold nights. Oh... You'll be so happy you might EXPLODE. I Promise.

    1. You really are just a Morningstar rip-off, aren't you? Seen it. Move along.

  5. Happy birthday, kid. I hope you can pull it off.

  6. Nineteen? Fuck. It never ceases to amaze me how young you kids are.

    1. I'm not exactly thrilled about it either, but, life's life.

  7. Happy birthday to ya, J- er, Konaa. I'd get you a present but I wouldn't know what to get, where to send it, or the odds of it ever actually reaching you.

  8. What a coincidence, my partner was born just one day before.
    Happy Birthday! wish you a good week.
