Wednesday, December 21, 2011


it's so cold

He captures all in His gaze.  no matter where i turn the eye is on me






you think you know fear?  every single moment He draws close i remember the years i spent with His hands holding My strings.  every whisper of breath would give me away, if He couldn't find me by my thoughts

its useless

we are all His whether we know it or not

every move you make is one He allows you to

every thought you think is one He permits you to have

defiance and bravado exist so long as He desires it

and when that moment arrives, theyre gone

snrgherah killme




  1. Do you truly wish for death?

    Is this truly how you want it to end?

    No final stand for June, no last defiance...

    a whimper?

  2. I'm pretty sure that's what any puppetmaster would want you to think. So long as you believe he's in control, he will be... and you're right back on his strings.

  3. You know I can never trust your kind Rise, no matter how reformed you seem. But if death is what you truly want come to Michigan. Seek me out. I will make it painless.

    On the other hand if you want to stop whining and fight then *go look for Konaa*.

    DEAD MY ASS! Not only did they never find the body we're talking about the only non-Proxy I've ever heard of who could access and *survive* the path of black leaves. He's out there somewhere and there are only two possible reasons he wouldn't have come back for you by now or at least let all of us here know he survived. Either he's lost or he's captured. Either way he needs you to *help* him not sit around and whine about your foul master wanting you back.
