Monday, August 26, 2013

So much to do, so little time.  You'll get a full explanation about how I escaped from wherever I was later, as well as a recap of my current activities.

Also, is it just me or do the blogs have an increase in gawkers who like hanging around criticizing people's actions in situations they themselves were not in?  A+ guys, very helpful+supportive thing to do.

Thursday, August 15, 2013


SUCKS TO BE YOU YOG'CTHULWHATEVER!  Bite my liberated, existing in reality ASS!  Or DON'T, because YOU CAN'T DO SHIT TO ME ANYMORE!

Ahahaha ooooh boy I hope I'm not crazy now.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Forget what I said about this place being safe.

Some sort of weird black mist's rolled into town. I say "town" about as loosely as possible, mind you, because it's more like a bunch of wrecked buildings in the middle of goddamn nowhere. At any rate, I'm not goin down there to find out what the happy stuff is, I'm perching my ass up here where safety is ambiguous, not non-existent.

As for a way out. Well, I broke my clause and tried the Path, once. It didn't work. All it did was take me somewhere else in If it could be called such. It's mostly just...barren. I can see some more buildings off in the distance a couple different directions, but everything is so samey it hardly even matters. I think wherever here is, it's somewhere relatively un-Slender, because whatever that THING that “rescued” me is wanted me out of harm's way for a time. It must've dropped me off here. It only just occurred to me that I could not have eaten in at least two months, so...Physics are on break out here, I guess.

Okay I just saw something move down there. Yeah. I'm just gonna be Batman for now.

Here's the thing: Cosmic Entity #2 doesn't appear thrilled that I refused his job offer. He's not been around in a while, and I think this mist may be his doing, as well. Must be trying to pressure me. Hey buddy, that's coercion and it's illegal in the US of A. Of course, I say “he” when it's more like an “it.” Whatever.

So that's its game. Leave me to die if I don't change my mind. I don't know about you guys, but I'm not happy about my chances at fighting monsters. At this point, I have enough experience with self defense to not be scared of whatever masked knife wielding joker is after me today. Hell, I did pretty damn good against those FBI guys. I do not have a good track record with monsters, though. Whether they be giant murderous trees or masquerading as businessmen.

The mist is rising. Okay, June, think. There's nothing you can't weasel your way out of.